Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Edge Stitches

When you have a project where you’d like an attractive chain stitch edging (like a scarf, dishcloth or the front edge of a sweater), slip the first stitch of every row to eliminate the edge bump.

If the first stitch is a knit, with yarn in front, insert your needle as if to purl and slip the stitch. Then move the yarn to the back (between the 1st and 2nd stitches) and continue knitting the next stitch. If the next stitch should be a purl, keep the yarn in front and continue purling like normal.

If the first stitch is a purl, insert your needle as if to knit with yarn in back and slip the stitch. Move the yarn to the front and continue to purl. This will create a chain edge.

HOWEVER, do not use this technique if the edges are to be sewn together such as in sweater pieces. In that case, you would want a sturdier edge and would knit or purl the edge stitches in pattern.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blocking Circular Shaped Knitting Projects

To block a circular project, pin the center of the project to your blocking board, attach a cord (like dental floss or smooth cotton yarn) around the outside edge. Measure from the center to the outside edge while you pin the edge using the cord as your guide to make sure it ends up round and not oval shaped.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Binding Off

To keep bound off stitches from being too tight and pulling in your project (or not being able get a sweater over your head), use a needle 1 or 2 sizes bigger to bind off. The nature of bound off stitches is non-elastic so make sure you either knit very loosely or use a bigger needle.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Threading Beads Onto Yarn

Use a dental floss threader as a needle when stringing beads onto yarn. They look like a giant embroidery needle and are very flexible. Put your yarn in the loop as if you were threading the needle. Pick up the bead and slide it down over the loop which will collapse and you can pull the bead on to the yarn. This works especially well if you have a tight fit between the bead and the yarn.