Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Handy Tape Measure

When you make a copy of the pattern, copy a tape measure in the margin to measure against.
On your knitting needles mark off inches and with a permanent marker and mark the needles so that they can be used to measure your work in progress instead of having to take a measuring tape along!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Substitute Yarn - Wraps Per Inch

If you are looking for a substitute yarn at the yarn shop (perhaps a less expensive or more durable yarn) for your project, bring a short double point needle and ruler to compare the wraps per inch between the suggested yarn and the one that you want to substitute. Just wrap the yarn around the double point with the coils touching, then measure how many fall within the inch. It will give you a good idea whether the two would knit to the same gauge. Here’s a handy chart for various yarn weights:

Friday, April 8, 2011

Double Pointed Needles

When knitting with double point needles in the round – the more needles you use the less obvious your ladders (stitch that bridges the work between needles) will be. If you are a beginner however it’s often easier to use three plus one working needle because the three in the work form a triangle.

Items in Notions Kit

Keep a length (about 3-5 yards) of smooth lighter weight cotton yarn in your notions kit so you can always do a provisional cast on when you need it. It can also come in handy when jacket buttons pop off and need a quick fix.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mobile Knitting Charts

If you are taking your knitting mobile and are using a chart, take a photo of the chart with your mobile phone. Then you can look at it whenever you need the chart without having lots of paper tagging along.